Saturday, September 20, 2014

Data collection: Living Conditions of Chinese in Singapore during colonial times

Source A: An artifact of a bowl used to store drinking water.

From Source A, I can tell that Chinese people living in colonial Singapore were poor. This can be seen as they could only afford this rusty metal bowl to store their drinking water instead of a jug.

Source B:  A picture of a small village with a river flowing through it.

From Source B, I can tell that the living condition of the Chinese people in colonial Singapore is very poor. This can be seen from the fact that they do not have any water taps in their houses as they need to rely on the river to collect water for daily purposes.

Source C: Extracted from a website (

"The coolies suffered much hardship, they were very poor and lived in cramped dwellings with no windows and light."

From Source C, I can tell that Chinese people in colonial Singapore were treated badly and harshly. This can be seen as they "lived in cramped dwellings with no windows and light". This shows that they were forced to live in those kinds of conditions.

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